Experience true professionalism with JAYO Electric
The choice you can count on when you need a job done right.
Our passion for quality and efficiency has earned us a long-standing reputation as a service provider you can trust to deliver results with expert attention to detail. Whether your project involves a small home repair or a major industrial installation, our reliable service offers the personalized approach and responsiveness needed in order to achieve the highest standards of client satisfaction.
View our gallery to get a closer look at some of the incredible projects we’ve completed.
Let JAYO Electric Get You Connected
Finding the right connection when it comes to your electrical needs can be tricky. JAYO Electric Company is the answer to your problems. Our electricians are highly experienced in connecting, repairing, and installing electrical equipment for any and all of your needs.
Lastly, let us not forget our 24/7 Emergency Electricians. Our team is always ready and able to respond to a crisis situation. Explore a showcase of our finest work across Pomona, Los Angeles County, capturing the essence of JAYO Electric's expertise.